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Start Selling on OTTO with eCommeleon

Selling on OTTO with eCommeleon

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Key Information


Otto offers most major categories: fashion & lifestyle, home & garden, sports, and consumer electronics. Sellers of pet supplies, nutritional supplements or books can't sell on Otto.

Selling Options

The marketplace model offered by Otto is a B2C option only, but as a traditional retailer they also offer a B2B model, purchasing products from selected brands to resell on their website.


Less competition or price war than on other marketplaces, due to the fact that Otto is a restricted marketplace, limited to established brands or sellers of innovative products with a German entity and warehouse in Germany. There are less than 1000 retailers. No competition from Asian exporters.


Otto charges a monthly fee for listing products and accessing their backend system. The commission rates are category specific and vary between 7% (electronics) and 18% (jewelry), with an average of 14%.


Otto pays out your sales proceeds weekly

Selling Requirements

In order to be able to sell on Otto, you need to have a German business entity and ship orders from a warehouse located in Germany, but eCommeleon can help you our here if this isn't an option for you. And of course, as Otto is a German marketplace, you are required to provide product content in German as well as to be able to handle German customer service inquiries. Otto is a gated marketplace, you will have to apply as a new retailer. Otto pays particular attention to product and data quality.

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